Skylar Fausner


Research Technician


Saint Olaf College, Biology (2016)


Skylar received his B.A. in Biology with a minor in Environmental Studies from Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota in 2016. He gained experience as a technician in the Lemos Laboratory in the UMN Neuroscience Department, researching stress responses on a behavioral and cellular level.

He is currently a lab technician in the Biosensing and Biorobotics Laboratory (Aug. 2020-Current) where he conducts and develops surgery techniques, manages the transgenic mice colony, is a resource for behavioral experiments and design considerations, and assists in general lab management.

Skylar mainly involved in a project for designing transparent 3D printed skulls for cortex-wide imaging at cellular resolution using micro cameras. He is also an asset to the other projects in the lab for a variety of procedures.



*Publications in progress