Whole cortex image of a Thy1-YFP mouse implanted with a See-Shell

Whole cortex image of a Thy1-YFP mouse implanted with a See-Shell

Neural computations occurring simultaneously in multiple cerebral cortical regions are critical for mediating cognition, perception and sensorimotor behaviors. Enormous progress has been made in understanding how neural activity in specific cortical regions contributes to behavior. However, there is a lack of tools that allow simultaneous monitoring and perturbing neural activity from multiple cortical regions.  We are engineering a suite of tools that enable us to access and interface with large parts of the cortex at high spatial and temporal resolution


L. Ghanbari, R. E. Carter, M. L. Rynes, J. Dominguez, G. Chen, A. Naik, J. Hu, M. A. K. Sagar, L. Haltom, N. Mossazghi, M. M. Gray, S. L. West, K. W. Eliceiri, T. J. Ebner,  S. B. Kodandaramaiah, Cortex-wide neural interfacing via transparent polymer skulls, BioRxiv: 387142

L. Ghanbari*, M. L Rynes*, J. Hu, D. Sousa Schulman, G. W. Johnson, M. Laroque, G. M Shull, S B Kodandaramaiah, Craniobot: A computer numerical controlled robot for cranial microsurgeries, Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 1023 (2019) *Equal Contribution